How often can you have sex with prostatitis? To answer it, you need to imagine the underlying causes of pathological changes in prostatitis, how it manifests itself and is treated.
The phenomenon of inflammation in the prostate gland can be caused by:
- Infections that have penetrated into organs from other foci of chronic inflammation, or are acquired from the outside. Often, such infections occur during unprotected sexual intercourse.
- Congestion in the pelvic area. They can be caused by a static lifestyle, when a man is not moving enough and does not have full physical activity, if there is a tendency for constipation and no sex life, or it is very infrequent and irregular.
- Endocrine disorders, overweight.
- Characteristics of labor activity associated with hypothermia and frequent stress.
- Eating habits, when a sufficient amount of essential trace elements and vitamins do not enter the body. Addiction to tobacco. Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, which reduces the amount of blood sent to the organs.
How the prostate gland works
The inside of the prostate is seventy percent glandular tissue. It is represented by the prostate gland which produces the secretion of the same name. 30-50 similar glandular structures form the prostate lobules, which have their own ducts and are surrounded by smooth muscle fibers. The ducts of all lobules are connected in the lumen of the urethra, in the part of the prostate, and here it is open, on the side of the seminal tubercle.
It is impossible to control the work of the glands, they constantly produce prostate juice. It accumulates in the channel. During intercourse, more precisely at its peak, in men there is a strong contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and interlobular fibers of the prostate, which push the secretions of the prostate from the gland into the urethra. The free channel allows the gland to function fully again.
Prostatitis occurs when the trophism of the glands is disturbed, they suffer from a lack of nutrients or are squeezed from within by accumulated secretions.
A fully functioning prostate gland produces a special protective factor, which, together with secretions in the urethral mucosa, activates local immunity, making it possible to resist infections that penetrate from the outside. From this it can be concluded that
Stagnation not only causes the development of non -bacterial prostatitis, but also contributes to the further attachment of infectious components.
How sex affects the function of the male reproductive organs
To understand whether sexual activity is allowed with prostatitis, you need to imagine how intimacy affects the condition of the prostate gland and the entire genital area.
- The blood circulation of the pelvic organs increases, they receive more nutrients and oxygen.
- Lymphatic fluid outflow is improved, which helps eliminate edema.
- Increased respiration increases the amount of oxygen in the blood.
- Testosterone production is activated, and the sensitivity of receptors to it is improved.
- Prolactin levels in men are normalized, which affects the quality of semen, the brightness of orgasm and the protective properties of the body.

It turns out that intimate intercourse has a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole and in particular on the reproductive system in men. It is clear that sex is the main method of prevention of stagnant inflammation. But is it possible to do so when the disease has progressed, are sex and prostatitis compatible?
Is sex contraindicated for inflammation of the prostate gland
The main therapeutic task in the treatment of prostatitis is to get rid of the causative factors: congestion and infectious components. Therefore, in the case of chronic forms of the disease, safe normal intimate intercourse is only welcome, as it allows you to solve the main problems of the healing process.

Another thing is that the disease affects the sexual function of men, they lose interest in the opposite sex or can not have sexual intercourse due to lower erections. In this case, the role of a woman is very important, she should deal with such difficulties with understanding and wisdom, showing her willingness to help in every way possible. It is important to understand that the rejection of sexual intercourse, caused by temporary difficulties, can lead to a deterioration of the situation, when it will be more difficult to overcome.
Therefore, to ensure complete prostate trophism and nutrition, it is very important to maintain sexual activity at an optimal level with any safe methods. If a man is single, then you can masturbate. If there is a problem with the potency, then it is necessary to use stimulants.
Tip: There are many ways to increase the circulation of the small pelvis and strengthen its muscles. This is a special exercise, prostate massage, physiotherapy, but this method solves only one particular problem. An orderly sex life has a beneficial effect on a man’s body in several directions, giving not only local effects, but general somatic and psycho-emotional effects.
But in the issue of the acute phase of the disease, the situation is not so simple. In this case, sex with prostatitis can occur when the inflammatory disease is not contagious, or the stage of antibiotic therapy is complete. Otherwise, the infectious process can spread to other organs of the male genitourinary system.
Often the acute course of the disease is accompanied by significant pain, which does not contribute to intimate relations. Of course, you don’t have to force your body. But if adequate treatment is started, then the unpleasant symptoms disappear already on the second or third day. This does not mean that the disease is defeated, but it allows you to shift your attention to more pleasant moments, continuing to take medications.
What should be sex with prostatitis

- Ordinary. Normal conditions for prostate gland function will be achieved when ejaculation occurs every two to three days. You shouldn’t take on "increased duty", this will only deplete the glands, but casual sex once or twice a month won’t save the situation.
- Congratulations. This applies to new couples and non -traditional types of sex. Frequent partner changes, as well as the practice of oral and anal intercourse, threaten the exacerbation of infection, which is unacceptable in cases of prostatitis. If no woman remains, then it is safer to masturbate, or use barrier contraceptives.
- Done. Any intercourse should end with full ejaculation. Only under these conditions is the secretory release of the prostate. Coitus interruptus should be excluded from the life of every man.
In what situations should intimacy be abandoned?
- For the most part, prohibition on intimate intercourse is imposed on invasive therapeutic or diagnostic measures. So, before a prostate biopsy, you need to maintain sexual rest for five days before the procedure and another week after that.
- In the case of surgery on the male genitalia, abstinence should last at least 2-4 weeks.
- Before doing a spermogram, 3-5 days of sexual rest will suffice.
- Also, sexual rest is required before testing certain types of hormones.